마감 83일 전
[지멘스] 인사부 업무지원 인턴[지멘스] 인사부 업무지원 인턴
[담당 업무]
1. Support P&O administration work
- Update and maintain P&O information records in Workday, SAP, and etc.
- Release a weekly up-to date employee master data
- Issue certificate of employment
2. Support T&E and P&O System work
- User administration: role provisioning, defining & controlling security access
- Handling and solving of system and process related incidents
3. Support payment work
- Register 3rd party vendor
- Tax invoice processing related with general affairs
- Monthly payment life cycle (GR/IR, JV Allocation back data, etc.)
4. Support immigration service
- Issue invitation letters
- Checking immigration regulations for business travelers entering Korea
- Short-term visa consulting
5. ad-hoc support upon request by GBS H2R and P&O team
[자격 요건]
- 4년제 대학 졸업예정자, 기 졸업자, 휴학생 또는 재학생 지원가능
- 워드, 파워포인트, 엑셀 사용 가능자
- 영어 커뮤니케이션 가능자
- 법적으로 한국 근무 가능자
- SAP 또는 Workday 유경험자 우대
- 2025-03-04 부터 출근 가능자 우대