마감 88일 전

[미국인턴] 삼진글로벌넷 뉴저지법인 - 영업&마케팅 인턴 채용
[미국인턴]  삼진글로벌넷 뉴저지법인 -  영업&마케팅 인턴 채용
2025년 03월 18일(화) ~ 2025년 06월 17일(화)


[미국인턴] 삼진글로벌넷 뉴저지법인

 - 영업&마케팅 인턴 채용

접수 기간 2025-03-18 ~ 채용 시 마감

모집부문 및 상세내용
모집 부문상세내용
미국 최초의 한국식품 전문 유통기업으로 국내 삼진 글로벌넷이 1974년에 전액 투자/설립한 미국현지법인입니다. 매출규모가 6,000만달러 이상이며, LA를 비롯하여 뉴욕, 샌프란시스코, 휴스턴, 라스베이거스 등 에 지사를 운영하고 있습니다. Wang Korea, Surasang 등의 자체 PB 브랜드를 가지고 있으며 50개국에 7,000여개의 제품을 수출하고 있습니다.


◆ Marketing & Sales(이노베이션팀) 인턴 As the Innovation Manager, you will play a pivotal role in driving the development and introductions an international trade, finance, procurement, sales and marketing intern at Wang Globalnet, you will have a unique opportunity wo work across multiple departments and gain hands-on experience in a variety of functions that support the food distribution business, You will assist in trade operations, finance, procurement, as well as sales and marketing activities to help drive business growth and product success. Your responsibilities will include: 1. Procurement Support : - Assist in the purchasing process, including creating purchase orders, verifying order details with suppliers, tracking shipments, and managing inventory levels. 2. Supplier Relationship Management : - Communicate with suppliers to track orders, confirm delivery schedules, and resolve any issues related to product quality or delivery. 3. Sales & Marketing Support : - Assist the Sales & Marketing teams with developing promotional materials, presentations, and content for digital and print media. - Help with market research to identify consumer trends, competitor analysis, and emerging opportunities. - Support the creation and execution of marketing campaigns, including social media, email newsletters, and trade shows. - Assist with sales reporting, including tracking sales performance, managing customer relationships, and preparing customer proposals. - Help in preparing sales and marketing materials for product launches and promotions. 4. Trade Operations Support : - Help coordinate international shipments, including tracking import/export activities, working with customs brokers, and ensuring compliance with regulations. 5. Market Research & Data Entry : - Support market research efforts by collecting data on suppliers, competitors, and industry trends, as well as entering this data into our systems. 6. General Administrative Support : - Perform administrative duties such as organizing documents, maintaining records, and supporting day-to-day operations.


- 인턴 12개월


- Educational Background : Currently enrolled in or recently graduated with a degree in Business, Marketing, Accounting, Finance, International Trade, Supply Chain Management or a related field. - Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite (Excel, Word, PowerPoint) - Strong analytical skills and attention to detail - Ability to manage multiple task and prioritize effectively in a fast paced environment. - Strong communication skills for working with suppliers, customers and internal teams. - Bilingual in Korean and English is preferred - Preference for those interested in Marketing and K-Food.

급여 및 혜택

연봉 :  TBD (면접 후 협의)

  • 중식 회사 제공

  • Comprehensive benefits : Medial, dental, and 401K matching

  • Daily Catered Lunches

  • Work life harmony : Flexible PTO and 7+ paid company holidays per year.

    Energizing refreshments : Unlimited Sparkling water, coffee & tea



아이씨엔그룹(주)는 미국인턴 전문 에이전시입니다. ※ 파견직이 아닌 해당기업 미국현지법인 직접고용으로 근무하게 됩니다. ※ J-1비자로 입사하며 비자발급비용은 지원자 개인부담입니다.

☎  지원문의 : (유선) 02-3445-4278  (메일) icngroup@icncareer.com                        (카카오톡) http://pf.kakao.com/_RBmwj/chat

(신청서 제출 : https://forms.gle/TVkc8knomHkrfrXq9)



대학졸업(4년) 이상(졸업예정자 가능)

  • 급여

    면접 후 급여 결정, 회사 내규에 따름

  • 근무시간

    주 5일(월~금) 08:00 ~ 17:00

  • 근무지역

    해외 (미국 뉴저지)

지원 기간 및 방법
  • 접수기간

    2025-03-18 ~ 채용 시 마감

  • 접수방법

    홈페이지 지원

  • 전화번호


  • 이메일


  • 허위 사실이 발견될 경우 채용이 취소될 수 있습니다.

자세한 내용은 반드시 해당 홈페이지 또는 직접 문의를 통해 안내 받으세요.


기업문화 엿볼 때, 더팀스

