마감 48일 전
[미국인턴/뉴저지][우수근무자 비자스폰가능] Summit Advisors Group 회계사무원 채용
Address : 560 SYLVAN AVE STE 3045, ENGLEWOOD CLIFFS, NJ 07632
Website: https://www.facebook.com/kkhcpa
Summit Advisors Group LLP ("Summit") was established in 2008 by dedicated professionals with deep industry knowledge and experience that have come together to collaborate and lend their extensive know-how to serve every business. Our dedicated professionals are here to provide you with necessary tools and cost effective approach to help you achieve your business objectives with a full range of accounting & tax professional services. Summit is one of the leading public accounting firms in the NY-NJ-CT Metro Area serving not only U.S. business and individual clients but also U.S. subsidiaries of foreign corporations originated from South Korea, Singapore, and China. By combining our expertise, experience and the team mentality of our staff, we assure that every client receives the close analysis and attention they deserve. Our dedication to high standards and work ethic is the reason our clients have chosen us.
* 회사소개서 별첨
◾ 채용부문 : Staff Accountant
◾ 근무기간 : 12개월 이상
◾ 근무시간: MON TO FRIDAY, 9 AM TO 6 PM. Tax Season에는 Saturday/Holiday도 근무
◾ 급여 : $20 - $25 / an hour (Vary by past experience and qualification )
◾ 연 환산급여 : 약 $41,600 - 52,000 / a year (주 40시간 52주 근무 기준 이며, 주말 및 공휴일 over time 근무에 따라 변동 가능)
◾ 급여 외 보상 : If right candidate, we will support H1B and Green Card
Job Description
1. Payroll & Sales Tax processing including IRS & State monthly & quarterly tax return filing.
2. Bookkeeping for business clients and preparation of Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet.
3. Annual Income Tax Return for corporation and partnership as well as individual returns.
4. Foreign Reporting (FBAR, FATCA, & Korean Income Reporting)
5. Preparation of Compilation and Review Financial Statement.
Requirments, Skills and Abilities
1. Preferred candidate who wants to stay in US if a long-term employment contract is offered at the end of Visa period. We are looking for a candidate who could eventually become a Manager of the CPA Firm who oversees daily operation of accounting firm supervising 2-3 staff.
2. Detail Oriented and multi-tasking ability.
3. Ability to solve issues working independently.
4. Proficient Computer Skills (Excel, Tax Software, Accounting Software, ec).
5. Willing to develop necessary skill sets and working experience to become an Office Manager.
6. English Speaking and Writing.
7. Pursuing a CPA license to become a Manager and eventually even Partner in developing professional career.
◾ 문의 신청서 제출(구글폼)
◾ 비자발급 가능 여부 검토 후 개별 전형/기업 안내 실시
◾ 전달받은 이력서 작성 후 회신(첨삭진행)
◾ 기업 서류/ 화상 면접전형 진행
◾ 합격자, 미국 스폰서기관 인터뷰 (회사-지원자 간의 보증을 해주는 미국 국무성 지정 기관, 별도 안내예정)
◾ 주한미국대사관 인터뷰 (별도 안내예정)
◾ 출국/출근
채용 시 마감
㈜커리어랩스는 지원자에게 알선비 등을 수취하지 않습니다.
⋇ 파견직이 아닌 「합격기업 소속」으로 근무하게 됩니다.
⋇ 비자 발급비용은 본인 부담입니다.
☎ 지원문의: Tel. 031-8027-9060 / Email : hr@careerlabs.co.kr
✏ 신청서 제출: https://forms.gle/JDniMmJnRN39ESU56