마감 62일 전

[미국인턴/앨라배마] [현기차 협력사] DAS North America 각 부문 채용
[미국인턴/앨라배마] [현기차 협력사] DAS North America 각 부문 채용
2025년 02월 04일(화) ~ 2025년 05월 06일(화)



Address: 840 Industrial Park Blvd, Montgomery, AL

Website: http://www.i-das.com/

DAS는 1987년 설립 이래 숱한 도전을 통해 자동차 시트 부품 전문기업에서 자동차 완성시트 전문기업으로 성장하였습니다. 시트의 안전성과 안락함을 최우선 가치로 삼고, 끊임없는 투자와 R&D를 통해 DAS의 핵심기술을 전 세계에서 인정 받고 있습니다. 아울러 안정적인 고객과의 관계, 인재경영, 협력사와의 상생관계를 통하여 지속적인 성장 기반을 마련하였습니다.

국내 기반산업의 공장자동화(F.A System) 실현에 앞장서는 기업으로, 다양한 산업분야의 고객사를 두고 있으며, 대표적인 주요 고객사로는 현대자동차, 기아자동차, 쌍용, GM, 쉐보레, 벤츠, 폭스바겐 등이 있습니다. DAS는 Lear, Adient, Hyundai Transys 협력업체로 최종적으로는 현대, 기아, 리비안으로 납품 하고 있으며 Seat Structure를 주요 생산 품목으로 하고 있습니다.

한국 본사에 4,800여명 넘는 직원이 근무 중이며, 국내를 포함하여 미국, 중국, 인도, 체코, 브라질, 터키에 해외 법인을 운영하고 있습니다. 미국 법인에는 900여명 이상의 직원이 근무 중 입니다.


◾ 채용부문 : 생산관리, 품질, 자재

◾ 근무기간 : 12개월 

◾ 근무시간: 주 40시간

◾ 연 환산급여: 약 $50,000/ a year (주 40시간 52주 근무 기준 이며, 주말 및 공휴일 over time 근무에 따라 변동 가능) 

◾ 급여 외 보상 : 1달 간 숙소 및 라이드 지원, 우수근무자 비자스폰 가능

◾ 자격조건 : 공학전공자 우대

Job Description

PositionJob Description

•   Manage, direct, coordinate, and oversee the daily logistical activities of an automobile seat frames manufacturing company.

•   Ensure the company’s logistical activities are carried in accordance with the company’s established production goals and schedules.

•   Search ways to optimize service levels, to maintain supply-chain efficiency, and to minimize logistics cost.

•   Review, evaluate, and manage suppliers and vendors.

•   Collect and analyze clients’ complaints and issues related to distribution and inventory process.

•   Coordinate logistics schedules and work assignment among employees.

•   Review reports related to the company’s product distribution, distribution capacity, inventory management, and warehouse productivity.


• Manage Overall Quality Control and Testing Activities:

 - Overseeing and coordinating all quality control and testing activities within the automotive seat structure manufacturing plant;

 - Ensuring that quality standards are met at every stage of the production processes;

• Analyze Engineering Specifications and Manufacturing Processes:

 - Studying engineering specifications and manufacturing processes to determine quality standards and establish reliability objectives for the finished automotive seat products;

• Apply Statistical Methods and Mathematical Calculations:

 - Utilizing statistical methods and mathematical calculations to identify the root causes of quality problems and implement data-driven solutions for continuous improvement;

• Document Quality Problems and Suggest Solutions:

- Documenting any quality issues that arise during production;

- Working with other teams to develop effective solutions for resolving these problems promptly;

• Assist Product Developers with Defect Detection:

 - Collaborating with product developers to detect and address any product defects during the design and development phase, ensuring that potential issues are identified and resolved early in the process;

• Coordinate Quality Control Objectives:

 - Working closely with production and engineering teams to align quality control objectives with production goals, maximizing product reliability, and minimizing production costs;

• Develop and Implement Test Plans:

 - Creating comprehensive test plans for the automotive seat structures, incorporating both manual and automated testing methods, to ensure the highest levels of quality and reliability;

• Ensure Compliance with Product Specifications:

- Ensuring that all automotive seat structures manufactured by the company comply with customers’ product specifications and quality requirements;

• Analyze Product Data for Quality Improvement:

 - Analyzing product data, customer feedback, and internal quality metrics to identify recurring quality issues and develop strategies for continuous improvement;

• Maintain International Organization for Standardization (“ISO”) Certification:

 - Ensuring the company’s compliance with ISO policies and standards, maintaining ISO certification for quality management systems; and

• Communicate with Management:

 - Collaborating with management to develop and update acceptable production and design standards keeping them informed about quality control activities and progress.


• Develop, plan, and implement all aspects of resource distribution and transportation functions;

• Develop optimal time, cost, and logistics networks structures;

• Design, conduct, and evaluate operational and statistical models to be applied to production lines;

• Determine and assess the cost implications of various production methods and new operating or maintenance concepts;

• Manage Just-In-Time Delivery activities with the client companies and coordinate manufacturing plans and scheduling;

• Determine cost-effective routing and best service routings, coordinate pickups and delivery, and coordinate processes with inbound and outbound operations and vendors;

• Prepare purchase requisitions, approve and issue purchase orders in accordance with company policy and negotiated terms and conditions;

• Analyze overall purchasing budgets and direct cost allocation to each production unit for the management;

• Analyze logistics costs, identify service and cost improvement options, and make recommendations to the management to improve operations;

• Report statistical and unit-cost analysis to management


◾ 문의 신청서 제출(구글폼)

◾ 비자발급 가능 여부 검토 후 개별 전형/기업 안내 실시

◾ 전달받은 이력서 작성 후 회신(첨삭진행)

◾ 기업 서류/ 화상 면접전형 진행

◾ 합격자, 미국 스폰서기관 인터뷰 (회사-지원자 간의 보증을 해주는 미국 국무성 지정 기관, 별도 안내예정)

◾ 주한미국대사관 인터뷰 (별도 안내예정)

◾ 출국/출근


채용 시 마감

㈜커리어랩스는 지원자에게 알선비나 기업 매칭에 따른 비용을 받지 않습니다.

⋇ 파견직이 아닌 「합격기업 소속」으로 근무하게 됩니다. 

⋇ 비자 발급비용은 본인 부담입니다.


☎ 지원문의: Tel. 031-8027-9060 / Email : hr@careerlabs.co.kr

✏ 신청서 제출: https://forms.gle/JDniMmJnRN39ESU56

자세한 내용은 반드시 해당 홈페이지 또는 직접 문의를 통해 안내 받으세요.


기업문화 엿볼 때, 더팀스

