마감 17일 전
[미국인턴] 농심 미국현지법인 - 식품연구원(규제) 인턴/신입 채용접수 기간 2024-09-12 ~ 채용 시 마감
모집 부문 | 상세내용 |
식품연구 | ■ 미국현지법인명 : Nongshim America, Inc 농심아메리카는 1994년 글로벌 확장의 일환으로 설립되었습니다. 현재 채용 중인 곳은 농심아메리카 본사(랜초쿠카몽카 팩토리)입니다. ※ 한국본사와 무관한 채용이며, 미국현지법인에서 직접 채용 조건입니다.
■ 모집분야
R&D Food Label and Regulation Specialist (Entry)
■ 업무내용 - Create and review food labels to comply with FDA, CFIA, FTC and some USDA regulations - Monitor and research the most updated food regulations and legal issues that could arise - Create supporting documents to import and export ingredients and/or finished goods - Ensure that all imported ingredients are compliant of US and Canadian law/regulation - Apply VS permit and vegan certificate for certain products - Perform product quality testing - Manage R&D sample documents - Assist in facilitation of in-house and contracted sensory testing, including management of sensory panel samples and standards; and set up, clean up, and support sensory evaluation meetings - Participate in production tests to successfully meet project objectives. - Coordinate organization, storage of equipment/materials and cleanup of R&D facilities - Perform various administrative duties, such as sample management, data entry, and shipping working with engineering and production to develop solutions to production issues, while maintaining food safety. 채용형태 - 인턴 12개월 우대조건 - Bachelor’s Degree: Food Science, Nutrition/Dietetics major preferred - Knowledge or experience in with all Federal and State food laws including FDA, USDA, CFIA, and FTC and with food regulation and labelling preferred - Multiple priority management abilities - Strong written and verbal communication skills - Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite (Outlook, Word, Excel) - Authorized to work lawfully in the United States ■ 근로조건
※ Negotiable depending on experience, excluding bonus, OT, and other earnings
진행절차 1. 지원/접수 접수문의 아이씨엔그룹(주)는 미국인턴 전문 에이전시입니다. ※ 파견직이 아닌 해당기업 미국현지법인 직접고용으로 근무하게 됩니다. ※ J-1비자로 입사하며 비자발급비용 개인부담입니다. ☎ 지원문의 : (유선) 02-3445-4278 (메일) icngroup@icncareer.com ✏ (신청서 제출 : https://forms.gle/TVkc8knomHkrfrXq9) |
대학졸업(4년) 이상(졸업예정자 가능)
면접 후 급여 결정, 회사 내규에 따름
주 5일(월~금) 09:00 ~ 18:00
해외 (미국 캘리포니아주)
2024-09-12 ~ 채용 시 마감
홈페이지 지원