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모집 요강


- IKEA business model, the strategic landscape and IKEA ways of working
- Good business understanding: understanding of key performance measurement used to plan, follow up and steer the business with a customer-centric approach
- Very good knowledge of IKEA processes, supply chain, store and warehousing operations and service business leading to an excellent customer fulfilment
- Very good understanding of the customer and co-worker needs, demands and expectations on the markets
- Good knowledge of market/industry intelligence: applies market/industry knowledge to achieve organizational goals and objectives; understanding of KPIs used for success measures for own function; understanding of market specifics when making decisions
- Good knowledge of change management and leading in the unknown/exploring
- Good knowledge of different leadership styles and needs as well as appropriate use for different situations
- Good knowledge of stakeholder management: knowledge of how to identify and involve relevant stakeholders in a project, process or question to make things happen
- Good financial competence: knowledge about how internal and external financials impact the business of IKEA and an understanding of how to communicate this financial impact to different target groups; applying financial knowledge to achieve organizational goals and objectives
- Excellent knowledge of relevant IT systems/solutions/tools within area of expertise

- Inspired by the IKEA vision, values and culture
- Customer orientation and centricity: see the customer first and consider the impact on the customer when taking decisions
- Leading business through people
- Enjoy applying strategic, tactical and operational approach for analyzing business opportunities from customer/perspective and inspired by challenging situations
- Eagerness and desire to understand the IKEA business and customer needs and influence improvement of the business with focus on customer satisfaction

- Collaborative mind-set: good in building relationships across the organization and having influence and personal impact by using good communication and negotiation skills
- End-to-end orientation: ability to apply analytical process oriented thinking including planning and maintaining work process
- Ability to act within the global framework in order to achieve local/market/organization goals
- Ability to identify need and drive change within the organization acting in multicultural, interdependent and matrix environments
- Analytical capability to enable translation of business and customer needs into development initiatives
-Develop the business and deliver results
- Lead and develop people

- 2-4 years working experience in a management position (preferable in distribution, retail, logistics or similar)
- Proven successful leadership in delivering both business result and people development
- Retail/home furnishing/supply chain/customer service experience and interest
- Experience in working in a matrix organization
- Successfully lead projects or processes on country/market/national level
- Good coaching and/or mentor, advisory and facilitation skills, conflict management skills and problem solving experience
- Fluent in English both written and verbal


- Accountable for development, coordination, support and securing a common approach for all WMS related tasks and responsibilities
- Accountable for defining and follow up the action plan to reach global/local WMS goals
- Accountable for follow up and benchmark the WMS KPIs (Service Level Agreement)
- Accountable for System deployments (implementation of system developments and set-up in agreement with operations)
- Accountable for providing support to operations on system set-up and system usage
- Responsible to implement and coordinate level 0 support (WMS Super User) for WMS systems and secure resources for WMS related forums
- Coordination of critical WMS related issues with service owner or IT Service Desk
- Responsible to provide the input for the WMS budget process
- Secure the support for global development projects, support the group and market and unit BP activities
- Accountable for developing the needed competencies within WMS Superusers to secure success through the development and implementation of training programs at all our Logistics units


Customer Fulfilment (CFF) is a fundamental part in making IKEA multichannel retailing in reality. To support IKEA in achieving business objectives, CFF acts as a fully integrated, process-oriented organisation with an end-to-end approach to develop our business and deliver results across functions together with our partners. We are focusing on providing seamless shopping experience with great quality in all touchpoints for the many people.


For internals, please have dialog with your line manager before apply jobs. We will contact to your line manager to ask your references as part of the process.

We appreciate your application. Regardless closing date of this job post, interview is going to proceed sequentially

Due to the tight timeline, invitations to interviews will most likely be sent out with short notice and we truly appreciate your cooperation & understanding for this. Some interviews may be conducted over phone or Video - Microsoft TEAMS (To reduce travel).

* Working location for this role will be Yongin City, Baekam-myun, Baekbong-ri.

If you have questions regarding recruitment process, please contact to

국가 보훈 및 장애 여부

* 보훈 대상자이실 경우 “취업지원 대상자 증명서”를 첨부해주세요.
* 장애여부가 있다면 “장애인등록 증명서”를 첨부해주세요. (*해당 정보는 직무 적합도를 판단하기 위해서 사용합니다. 이케아 코리아는 장애인 채용에 열려있습니다.).



채용 정보
찾고 있는 업무 물류
채용 형태 경력
채용 마감일 2020-07-14
연봉 정보 면접 후 결정

피드 & 팀터뷰 (0)

조금만 기다려주세요!

팀에서 커리어피드를 준비중입니다.

스택 (1)

회사 소개

회사 소개


회사 소개

IKEA Korea는 2014년 국내 공식 진출했으며 현재 광명점과 고양점, 기흥점, 동부산점 등 총 4개의 오프라인 매장과 이커머스를 운영하고 있습니다. ‘많은 사람들을 위한 더 좋은 생활을 만든다’는 IKEA 비전을 실현하기 위해 한국에서 더 많은 사람들이 홈퍼니싱을 통해 집을 더욱 사랑할 수 있도록 돕고 있으며, 더 낮은 가격과 편리함을 제공하고 사람과 지구에 친화적인 IKEA가 되기 위해 다양한 노력을 기울이고 있습니다.


IKEA는 매장을 오픈하기 전, 해당 지역 사람들의 집에서의 생활에 대한 호기심을 바탕으로 이들의 주거 환경을 파악하고자 가정 방문을 비롯한 다양한 조사를 진행해 오고 있으며, 이를 바탕으로 각 매장에서 현지 고객들이 느끼는 집에서의 니즈, 개선하고자 하는 점, 꿈꾸는 공간 등을 파악해 매장과 쇼룸에 이를 반영하고 있습니다. 또한 사람중심적인 기업으로서 직원들에게 일하기 좋은 환경을 제공하고 좋은 이웃으로서 지역 사회에서 긍정적인 영향을 줄 수 있도록 지속적으로 노력하고 있습니다.


주요 연혁

2014.12 IKEA 광명점 오픈

2016.03 관세청 주관 ‘제 50회 납세자의 날’ 모범 납세자 선정

2017.05 고용노동부 주관 ‘남녀고용평등 우수기업’ 대통령표창 수상

2017.10 IKEA 고양점 오픈

2017.12 고용노동부 주관 전국 일자리창출유공 포상 시상식 ‘대통령상’ 수상

2018.04 산업통상자원부 주관 ‘2분기 외국인투자기업인의 날’ 장관표창 수상

2018.06 고용노동부 주관 ‘2018 대한민국 일자리 으뜸기업’ 선정

2018.09 국내 이커머스 런칭

2018.10 한국표준협회 주관 ‘한국서비스품질지수 (KS-SQI)' 가구전문점 부문 1위 선정

2019.09 고용노동부 산하 한국장애인고용공단 주관 ‘장애인 고용 우수 사업주’ 선정

2019.12 IKEA 기흥점 오픈

2020.02 부산∙경남 지역 최초 매장인 IKEA 동부산점 오픈

2019 회계연도 기준 IKEA Korea 현황

· 대표: 프레드릭 요한손 (Fredrik Johansson)

· 매출: 약 5,000 억 원

· 연간 매장 방문객: 850만 여 명

· 연간 웹사이트 방문객: 총 3,850만 여 명

· IKEA Family 멤버 수: 2백만 여 명

기타 정보


경기 광명시 일직로 17 (일직동, 이케아광명점,롯데아울렛) IKEA


기업문화 엿볼 때, 더팀스

