마케팅에 개발을 더하다, 바벨탑 Luc

더팀스 편집팀 / 2018-01-25

바벨탑(Babeltop) - 마케팅에 개발을 더하다, 바벨탑 Luc 팀터뷰 사진  (더팀스 제공)

바벨탑(Babeltop) - 마케팅에 개발을 더하다, 바벨탑 Luc 팀터뷰 사진 1 (더팀스 제공)

I’m Luc, I’m from France. I have a master degree in Marketing specialized in online buisness. Since hight school i learned coding by interest to learn how things is working. In France you can study and work in same time, i did all my scolarship that way.I began to work in a small buiness where i understood as a small team everybody need to do everything. I keep focusing all my carreer to be pluridisciplinar to get a better understanding about what i do as developer.


Q. 팀 멤버를 찾을 때 어떤 걸 주로 보시나요?

Commons points for all team members to show us: passion to learn everyday, to create best services and to be a team-player. Of course tracks-records are important, but understanding business and how to improve it, is the most appealing point for me to be a good team member.


Q. 캐쥬얼미팅때는 주로 어떤 대화를 나누나요?

On interview, we talk about skills of applicant. We want to see as much as possible past experience, what applicant have done successfully, what he/she want for his/her career and how it can be awesome to work together.


Q. 본인은 회사 내에서 어떤 일을 주로 하나요?

We are a small team and with my technical background, I’m responsible of the technical parts of the company as a CTO. I develop the platform and bring technical solution to other team members when it’s related to building new features.


Q. 다른 팀원과 협업은 어떤 식으로 이루어지나요?

We use as much as possible collaboration tools to use the most of our time to execute. We have small briefing everyday in the morning to listen everyone’s difficulties, and to know who is working on what. We believe that solution can come from anyone of us and talking about problem solves  already 80% of the problem.

바벨탑(Babeltop) - 마케팅에 개발을 더하다, 바벨탑 Luc 팀터뷰 사진 2 (더팀스 제공)

Q. 일하시면서 느낀 해당 업무에 대한 필수 역량이나 자질이 있을까요?

To be confident with the skill you have, and at the same time, to be open to what the others say.


Q. 역량 성장을 위해 본인만의 노하우가 있으신가요?

Learn, test and learn again. The best way to grow your competence is to try, find problem, find qualified solution and repeat again.


Q. 개인적으로 생각하는 스타트업의 장점과 단점은 무엇인가요?

If you want create something and be active on realizing a common goal, working on a startup is awesome. Advantages and disadvantages depends on person, I think it is more about what you want achieve in your life and if you are ready for it. If you want a job where you can be passionate, startup is a good opportunity.


Q. 새로운 동료가 들어온다면 어떤 동료와 일하고 싶나요?

Passionate people.


Q. 우리 회사에 인재가 들어와야 하는 우리 회사만의 매력은 무엇인가요?

The main purpose of our business is to help people communicate around the world. I am always surprised to how our service can be useful for people. We build a service who can help thousands of peoples everyday. We are young global team, open to people who want to be successful and change the world.

바벨탑(Babeltop) 바벨탑(Babeltop)

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